DIY Stencils
I’ve started a project to develop a series of FREE-to-download .svg bird stencils. These stencils can be cut out of waxed paper or parchment paper on your silhouette, cameo, or equivalent paper-cutting machine.
I have just started this project and I am looking forward to sharing my process with you as I go!

Bird Stencils Coming Soon!
My First Stencil!
I’ve created my first whale stencil – inspired by Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우)! This North Pacific Right Whale is made of 8 layers of stencils that can be cut out of waxed paper on your Silhouette or Cameo Cutter.

Here are files you can download – I’ve done my best to make sure that they are as clean / good as possible. They are available in several sizes (or you can scale them yourself), and will always be free as long as I am making enough in ads/affiliates to keep the site from losing money (eventually).
The .svg files can be used if you’ve upgraded your Silhouette, and the .dxf files can be used with the free version of Silhouette Studio. I have not investigated the cricut yet, so please feel free to play around!
This whale is detailed, so the width of the whale being about 10″ is about as small as I’d recommend. Again, I use waxed paper and it works very well and is cheap! Feel free to download and use for your own purposes – although do not use the files directly for commercial purposes. You are free to sell your artwork that you have made using them though!
Yangtze River Dolphin Stencil
Inspired by Extraordinary Attorney Woo (이상한 변호사 우영우) s01ep12, I present a Yangtze River Dolphin Stencil. This Stencil is made of 4 layers of stencils that can be cut out of waxed paper on your Silhouette or Cameo Cutter.

How to Info Coming Soon!
I’m working on a video of how to use these stencils. My footage was not focused properly on the first run-through, so I will try to get to it as soon as I have some time.
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